This article was featured in the 2024 August Newsletter by, Megan Shaw-SLELO PRISM. 

We value our volunteers and appreciate all their efforts to support our invasive species management initiatives. In 2024, volunteers assisted invasive species removals.

Through these efforts we removed 688 yellow iris and 2,365 swallow-wort plants, removing leaves/stems and digging up as much of the root as possible.  Plants were removed from Lakeview WMA, Black Pond WMA, El Dorado Preserve, and the Mud Bay boat launch.

SLELO and partner-led water chestnut pulls resulted in an estimated 27,907 pounds of water chestnut removed. Pulls were held at various sites throughout the region, including but not limited to: Lakeview WMA, Guffin Bay, Oneida Lake, Metzger’s Pond, Big and Old Mans Bay, Black Lake, Krinbles Creek, Oswego River, Little Salmon River, Rice Creek and various locations on the Oswegatchie River.

If you organized a water chestnut pull in the SLELO region please report your efforts to NYiMapInvasives. Instructions are available on their website. Additionally, please report water chestnut removal efforts to  so we can include your efforts in our regional stats.


Sign up to become a SLELO volunteer

Below are some photos of volunteers and Student Conservation Association members with Parks removing invasive species during the SLELO 2024 field season. Photo credit SLELO PRISM/TNC. 

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