This article was contributed by Rob Williams-SLELO PRISM, in the 2021 Spring Newsletter.
Non-native Ambrosia beetles attack stressed, dying, or dead trees. There are several species that belong to two different bark beetle families. Target species for this trapping project include: Non-native Trypodendron sp., Gnathotrichus sp., Xyleborus sp., Curculionidae: Scolytinae, Platypus sp., and Curculionidae: Platypodidae.
These invasive beetles can attack freshly cut lumber and lumber in decks before it is dried, and they cause pinhole defects and dark staining in the outer wood. Galleries formed in the sapwood or heartwood also cause damage.
The St. Lawrence Seaway is a high-risk area for the introduction of these invasive beetles. Highly probable areas include ports of entry, landscaping companies, and shipping distribution facilities where large quantities of wood shipping pallets and containers may be stored. With assistance from SLELO PRISM, NYS DEC has deployed three traps that will be monitored until mid-June. To enhance the probability of capturing the invasive beetles, traps have been deployed in both conifer and hardwood stands along the St. Lawrence Seaway. Specimens will be collected every two weeks and sent to the DEC lab to be analyzed.