This article was featured in the 2024 Autumn Newsletter by, Emily Fell-Tree Watertown Secretary.

Tree Watertown is a volunteer group of community citizens which serves as the Street Tree Advisory Board to the City of Watertown in support of the City’s Tree Ordinance (Chapter 287 of the City Code). Tree Watertown advises the City on policy issues, makes recommendations regarding grant applications and works with the City Planning Department in the development of the City’s annual tree planting program. In addition, Tree Watertown serves the community through the development and presentation of educational initiatives and tree planting projects throughout the year. The group had been active for over 20 years and is always welcoming new members with an interest and passion for trees.

Accomplishments of Tree Watertown in 2024 included working with the City of Watertown and the Watertown housing authority to secure $550,000 in funding from the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Urban and Community Forestry Grants, and $4,000 from the NY Community Foundation to support Urban Forestry Management, community engagement and tree planting events. An Arbor Day tree planting celebration event was held honoring Charlie Nevin, a former DEC Regional Forester, for his invaluable contributions to Watertown’s green initiatives, beginning in the mid-1990’s. Jefferson County Stormwater Coalition also spoke about the benefits of tress for improved stormwater management and achieving minimum control measures for the City’s Municipal Separate Stormwater Sewer System Permit.

A volunteer tree planting event was held on April 27th to replace ash trees to manage for the Emerald Ash Borer, promote a diverse urban forestry, engage with students and improve stormwater management on Ives Street by planting 50 trees. The annual fall volunteer tree planting event is planned for November 2nd, meeting at Starbucks Elementary. Tree Watertown partnered with SLELO PRISM to host an Arboretum Walk and Talk to promote awareness about urban forest pests and other invasive species awareness, while also highlighting the benefits of the City’s trees and how they can be protected by community members. Additionally, native flowers were planted by members to create native pollinator habitats within the arboretum.

If you would like to learn more and get involved with Tree Watertown efforts, we encourage you to attend a monthly meeting every second Thursday at 4:30 pm; reach out to Tree Watertown’s secretary at to be added to the email list, and/or follow the Tree Watertown group on Facebook


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