




A Word From Our Director: 2023 Winter Newsletter

Natural climate solutions are essential to New York’s climate mitigation goals. Reducing the threat from invasive species is an important strategy for maintaining the carbon sequestration potential of New York’s forests.

From Our Director: Autumn 2022 Newsletter

This year the SLELO PRISM has reached several milestones each of which increases our overall impact on our ability to suppress invasives and recover/maintain ecosystem resilience.

Partner Spotlight: 2022 Autumn Newsletter

A lot has changed in iMapInvasives this year! Read about some of the new features in New York’s official invasive species database.

Aquatic Restoration and Resiliency Initiatives

Our 2022 Watercraft Inspection Steward Program co-administered with TILT, concluded on October 16, and could very well be our most successful season yet.

Notable Natives: 2022 Field Season

Learn of some native species we’ve seen during some of our field surveys in 2022.

Terrestrial Updates: Autumn 2022

Get the latest updates from our Terrestrial Restoration and Resiliency Coordinator, Robert Smith.

Priority Conservation Score Card

Is the health of our Priority Conservation Areas (PCAs) getting better, worsening, or maintained as a result of our invasive species protection & management strategies? Answering this important question first requires a benchmark. To achieve this, the SLELO PRISM has been developing a scorecard for each PCA based on current analysis.

Hope for Hemlocks: Biocontrol for HWA

Finding effective biological control options is a critical piece of the long-term solution to eastern hemlock conservation in the face of hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA), an invasive insect that is killing hemlock on the East Coast. Cornell University’s NYS Hemlock Initiative is researching two different kinds of insects that are HWA eating machines: Laricobius beetles and Leucotaraxis silver flies.

Early Detection Effort for Elm Zigzag Sawfly  

In response to the confirmed presence of elm zigzag sawfly in St. Lawrence County, SLELO PRISM is collaborating with partners to implement an outreach and early detection strategy.

Species Spotlight: Box Tree Moth and Elm Zigzag Sawfly  

There are two new invasive species that are encroaching on the SLELO region, the elm zigzag sawfly (EZZ Sawfly) and the box tree moth (BTM).