With the beautiful hues of fall beginning to sweep across our green spaces, autumn is fast approaching. This season marks a critical time for invasive species management. Whether you’re doing […]
With the beautiful hues of fall beginning to sweep across our green spaces, autumn is fast approaching. This season marks a critical time for invasive species management. Whether you’re doing […]
As summer draws to a close, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the wonderful memories made in our favorite outdoor spaces and to take action to protect them for […]
What better way to enjoy the summer than to help protect your favorite outdoor places? Check out the upcoming events and volunteer opportunities we’re hosting this summer. Participating in any […]
Summer is ramping up, allowing for ample opportunities to beat the heat and keep your outdoor spaces safe.
In the five-county SLELO region, there are nearly 2 million acres of forested land with additional acreage in urban forests. Invasive forest pests and tree diseases currently affecting the SLELO region, and those soon to arrive, can reduce the ability of our forested lands to store carbon which further worsens climate change, and the ability of wildlife to move through this corridor.
SLELO PRISM is enhancing early detection efforts for aquatic invasive species through a new Water Protector’s Program. Learn more about this program and an exciting 3-part series learning experience!
Hear about how fire is being used to control invasive plants at the Mianus River Gorge Preserve.
Get the latest updates on our early detection, restoration, and biocontrol work.
As spotted lanternfly continues to expand its range, it’s crucial to separate fact from fiction. Here, we debunk some common myths surrounding the spotted lanternfly and shed light on the truth behind this formidable pest.
Hear from our partners at the NYS DEC regarding their invasive species management and restoration work at the Lakeview Wildlife Management Area.