




Species Spotlight: Beech Leaf Disease

Beech leaf disease (BLD) is the newest threat to beech trees and is spreading rapidly. In New York, BLD has been found in 14 new counties this year, for a total of 35 infected counties. It was recently found in Oswego county in the SLELO region, and nearby on the southwestern edge of the Adirondacks.

Milfoil, Community Science, and Teens

Our partners at the Indian River Lakes Conservancy are developing a weevil rearing project through community science.

Calling all Water Chestnut Pull Organizers

If you organize water chestnut pulls, make your efforts count and report pre and post treatment data to NYiMapInvasives.org.

Aquatic Invasive Species & Harmful Algal Blooms

Harmful algal blooms- HABs, can be a real bummer to summer recreation. Aquatic invasive plants and animals can assist the growth of HABs.


Learn how you can protect your lands and waters from the impacts of invasive species during the 8th annual New York Invasive Species Awareness Week. June 6th through the 12th virtual engagements, COVID compliant events, social media challenges and a family friendly scavenger hunt will be held across NYS.

Field Survey conducted by Robert Smith and Brittney Rogers

13 Priority Conservation Areas and 30 Highly Probable Areas were surveyed for hemlock woolly adelgid in the SLELO region. Of the 30 HPAs searched, HWA was detected at 3 separate sites.

Protector’s Activity: Native Alternatives to Common Invasive Garden Plants

Many invasive plants were once considered desirable ornamentals that were intentionally introduced to our gardens and landscapes only to escape into our natural environments. Learn of native alternatives to common invasive garden plants.

Nature Knows no Boundaries

Humankind is a fan of creating boundaries, we like to think of things in terms of here or over there, ours or theirs, but nature knows no boundaries. The work we do to prevent the spread of an invasive forest pest or aquatic plant expands beyond our regional counties and other manmade borders, these efforts impact large-scale connected land and water scapes.

When Doing Nothing is Better?

Garlic mustard is one of the most common invasive plants found in backyards, along roadsides and within our natural areas and forests. There is a new perspective regarding the control of this common invader and it isn’t what you may think.

Trapping Invasive Beetles

The St. Lawrence Seaway is a high risk area for the introduction of Ambrosia beetles. These invasive beetles can attack freshly cut lumber and lumber in decks before it is dried, and they cause pinhole defects and dark staining in the outer wood. Galleries formed in the sapwood or heartwood also cause damage. SLELO is monitoring traps in the region to aid an early detection effort lead by the NYSDEC.