Hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) is an invasive insect that kills eastern and Carolina hemlock trees. Although all hemlocks have ecological value, it is impossible to save them all from HWA. With HWA spreading across New York state, having a hemlock conservation plan in place, before your hemlocks are infested with this invasive pest, will allow you to put your resources towards the protection of the hemlocks you value the most.
The New York State Hemlock Initiative has developed Hemlock Prioritization Tool Kits that generate a ranking system to help you prioritize your hemlock stands to make an informed decision on where to focus your hemlock conservation efforts if HWA has invaded, or were to spread to your forest. In addition to the prioritization tool kits, the NYS Hemlock Initiative website provides an overview of treatment information, HWA biocontrol research, and offers community science opportunities.
If you have questions regarding these resources you can reach out to Caroline Marschner the Invasive Species Extension Associate with the NYHI at cam369@cornell.edu.
The NYS Hemlock Initiative is a leading collaborator for HWA management and biocontrol research. Check out their website to learn more about HWA phenology, biology, management and state-wide control efforts.
The webinar below demonstrates how to use the Hemlock Initiative’s Prioritization tool to conserve your hemlock forests, and showcases partner experiences using the tool, followed by an open discussion where regional and state-wide organizations shared what they are doing to manage or prepare for hemlock woolly adelgid.
Carri Marschner– NYSHI Invasive Species Extension Associate
Nathan Hayes- Director of the Cumming Nature Center
Anne Rhoads- Ph.D. Executive Director Edmund Niles
Huyck Preserve, Inc. and Biological Research Station
Bryan Ellis- Senior Forester: Division of Lands and Forests | Invasive Species & Ecosystem Health
Robert Smith- SLELO PRISM Terrestrial Restoration and Resiliency Coordinator
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