




Water Quality Conference

Friday, August 27th, 2021 8:30am-4pm EST Redwood Hill Preserve Trailside Learning Center REGISTER online  or call 315-482-4757 Hosted by our partners at the Indian River Lakes Conservancy who bring together thought leaders on topics important to our Lake Associations and others who care about the water quality of the Indian River and surrounding lakes. In […]

Volunteer Surveillance Network Virtual Trainings

Pick a Time Slot to Attend a Virtual Training Training times are flexible The SLELO PRISM's invasive species Volunteer Surveillance Network (VSN) is intended to recruit and train volunteers to […]

eDNA Volunteer Training

Thursday, September 2nd, 2021 9am-11:30am EST Nicandri Nature Center 19 Robinson Bay Rd, Massena, NY 13662 REGISTER   EVENT DESCRIPTION: *Experience collecting and filtering eDNA Samples *Meet the staff behind […]

NAISMA Conference

Tuesday, September 27 at 9:00 a.m. MST and will end Thursday, September 30 at 5:00 p.m. MST The 2021 NAISMA Annual Conference will be a hybrid in-person and virtual conference. View full details at the NAISMA website. FULL AGENDA.  This year’s virtual conference will be presented live during the conference dates. Sessions will also be […]

Educator Workshop: Spotlight on the Invasive Spotted Lanternfly

October 5th, 4:00 pm-5:30 pm  Via Zoom (link emailed to those who register) REGISTER This workshop is for educators interested in invasive species and learning how to integrate this topic into your classroom curricula or program. The Spotted Lanternfly is a highly invasive pest that is a threat to agriculture in our region. Learn how […]

eDNA Project Volunteer Opportunity

Now through the middle of December 2021, you can assist an exciting eDNA sampling project. No experience is needed, and training will be provided.  SIGN UP HERE! ABOUT THE PROJECT: […]

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid & iMapInvasives Training

Tuesday, October 19th, 20201 10:30am-1:30pm REGISTER Rensselaer County Grafton Lakes State Park  Resource Managers, Friends Groups, and Citizen Scientists; Please join our partners at the Capital Region PRISM and NYS Parks for training on identifying and reporting  Hemlock Woolly Adelgid using iMapInvasives. Participants will have the opportunity to survey an area for Hemlock Woolly Adelgid […]

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Management for Tree Care Professionals

Thursday, October 21, 2021 Camp Wakpominee  3.5 Category 1 Continuing Education Credits from the Society for American Foresters REGISTER Restrooms are available at the Camp and please arrive before 10:00 am to sign in.   To receive 3.5 Category 1 Continuing Education Credits from the Society for American Foresters, participants must participate in both morning […]

Identifying & Reporting Spotted Lanternfly and Tree-of-heaven with NY iMapInvasives

Wednesday, October 27th, 2021 1 PM-2:30 PM est REGISTER Attend this virtual event hosted by NY iMapInvasives and the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets to learn more about SLF, TOH, and how you can participate in this effort. Visit www.nyimapinvasives.org/slf for more information and to claim a grid square on the map to look […]

Hike to Protect Hemlocks

Join a series of guided walk and talks to learn to recognize and report hemlock woolly adelgid HWA- an invasive insect that kills hemlock trees. Hemlocks are an important tree species that provide many benefits for people and nature. Detecting the presence of HWA early on provides enough time to protect infested trees and helps […]

Spotted Lanternfly Field Observations and Biocontrol Studies

  Thursday, December 9th 11:30am-12:20pm EST Presented By: Eric Clifton and colleagues from the Hajek lab at Cornell Via Zoom REGISTER  The invasive spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula, has been observed to die due to fungal infections. Eric Clifton and colleagues from the Hajek lab at Cornell have been collecting isolates of these fungi since 2018 in infested […]

Contact megan.pistolese@tnc.org to list your events on our events page and on Facebook.  

SLELO PRISM Partner Meeting Schedule: Our partners have decided to meet on a seasonal/quarterly basis. We will meet the third week of these months:  January, April, July, and October alternating between  Wednesdays and Thursdays, starting at 10 am.

If you want to receive partner meeting announcements please email rwilliams@tnc.org .

Save the Date for 2023 Partner Meetings:

Thursday, October 12th

Keewaydin State Park – Marina Pavilion, 10 am-12 pm 45165 State Route 12, Alexandria Bay, NY 13607

The PRISM Network hosts a monthly Speaker Series on the last Wednesday of each month (except, July, August, and December).

View the Webinar Schedule & Access Recordings

iMapInvasives holds training webinars after the PRISM  Speaker Series from 1 pm-2 pm. Visit the iMap website for details and to register. 

 View Events Pages of the PRISM Network


Capital Region PRISM 

Catskill (CRISP) PRISM 

Finger Lakes PRISM

LIISMA (Long Island) PRISM  

Lower Hudson PRISM

Western NY PRISM