




Preparing for the Bad Bug-EAB/ Community Preparedness Workshop:

Preparing for the Bad Bug-EAB/ Community Preparedness Workshop: Wednesday, November 14th from 8:30am-12pm at the Adams Municipal Building located at 3 South Main Street, Adams NY.  Hosted by the DEC Region 6 and partners. The meeting will focus on the impact on the loss of ash trees along our roadways, and urban settings. Municipal leaders,  […]

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Workshop & Survey

Whetstone Gulf State Park 6065 W Rd, Lowville, NY 13367

Volunteers take a closer look at hemlock twigs to search for signs of hemlock woolly adelgid. Help Protect Whetstone Gulf State Park An invasive insect called Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) kills […]

Christmas Tree Growers Winter Workshop

When: Thursday, February 21 2pm-7pm 1.0 NYDEC Pesticide Credit in category 1a,2,10,3a, 25 Topics: Grower information, marketing best practices, collaboration, pest management, Invasive species of concern, extension services and more […]

Using impact assessments to prioritize range shifting invasive plants webinar

Join us for our monthly PRISM webinar series: Using impact assessments to prioritize range shifting invasive plants. Dr. Bethany Bradley, Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Conservation at the University of Massachusetts Amherst Meeting Link:  https://cornell.zoom.us/j/976302364.  Additional details can be found below. Additional Call-in Details Topic: Monthly NYS PRISM Call Time: Feb 27, 2019 […]

Spotted Lanternfly Basics for Christmas Tree Growers IPM Webinar

In conjunction with the New York State IPM Program and the Department of Agriculture and Markets, the Northeastern IPM Center will host a collection of webinars, titled "Spotted Lanternfly Basics." Each webinar will focus on, and be tailored to, a specific commodity group & management practices covered will be specific to New York. Visit the […]

Spotted Lanternfly Basics for Nursery, Greenhouse, and Landscape Industries IPM Webinar

In conjunction with the New York State IPM Program and the Department of Agriculture and Markets, the Northeastern IPM Center will host a collection of webinars, titled "Spotted Lanternfly Basics." Each webinar will focus on, and be tailored to, a specific commodity group & management practices covered will be specific to New York. Visit the […]

Contact megan.pistolese@tnc.org to list your events on our events page and on Facebook.  

SLELO PRISM Partner Meeting Schedule: Our partners have decided to meet on a seasonal/quarterly basis. We will meet the third week of these months:  January, April, July, and October alternating between  Wednesdays and Thursdays, starting at 10 am.

If you want to receive partner meeting announcements please email rwilliams@tnc.org .

Save the Date for 2023 Partner Meetings:

Thursday, October 12th

Keewaydin State Park – Marina Pavilion, 10 am-12 pm 45165 State Route 12, Alexandria Bay, NY 13607

The PRISM Network hosts a monthly Speaker Series on the last Wednesday of each month (except, July, August, and December).

View the Webinar Schedule & Access Recordings

iMapInvasives holds training webinars after the PRISM  Speaker Series from 1 pm-2 pm. Visit the iMap website for details and to register. 

 View Events Pages of the PRISM Network


Capital Region PRISM 

Catskill (CRISP) PRISM 

Finger Lakes PRISM

LIISMA (Long Island) PRISM  

Lower Hudson PRISM

Western NY PRISM