




State of the Science: Swallow-wort Biocontrol Research

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022 1pm-2:30pm Via Zoom REGISTER Hosted by the Eastern Lake Ontario Swallow-wort Collaborative, this webinar will showcase swallow-wort biocontrol research that is currently underway in New York state and beyond. Researchers from New York, Rhode Island, and Michigan will provide an overview of their work, along with an overview of the results […]

How i-Tree Can Help You Manage Your Community Forest

March 31st, 2022 Via Webex- from 10 AM to 11 AM Register for this free workshop If you want to manage it, you have to measure it. One of the first steps of forest management, including urban and community forest management, is an assessment of where you are now so that you can manage for your […]


April, 7th 2022 8am-6pm est Via Zoom DETAILS & REGISTRATION   The Long Island Invasive Species Management Area and its host organization, the Long Island Native Plant Initiative (LINPI) are pleased to announce their upcoming virtual conference on April 7, 2022. The conference will provide great opportunities for learning the latest on invasive and native […]

Lake Ontario’s Most Unwanted Webinar

April 21st, 2022 12pm EST REGISTER   Learn more about invasive species in Lake Ontario, why they’re a problem, and how Canada and the U.S. are taking steps to prevent their introduction and spread in the Basin.   Agenda 12:00 Welcome Emma Tahirali, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks   12:00 – 12:10 […]

Landscape Pests

Saturday, April 23rd 10 AM - 12 PM CCE Jefferson 203 N. Hamilton St. Watertown REGISTER EVENT FLYER Join our partners at the Jefferson County Cornell Cooperative Extension to learn how to identify, prevent the spread of, and control invasive jumping worms, spotted lanternfly, and Lymantria dispar (formally called the gypsy moth).

New York Invasive Species Awarness Week

June 6th-the 12th New York observes Invasive Species Awareness Week (NYISAW). This is a state-wide outreach campaign aimed to raise awareness and engage the public to take action to protect their lands and waters from the impacts caused by invasive species. Organizations and stakeholders across the state will be hosting outreach events during this week, […]

NYISAW Webinar- Native Alternatives to Common Invasive Garden Plants

June 7th at 1 pm Via Zoom REGISTER Many invasive plants were once considered desirable ornamentals that were intentionally introduced to gardens and landscapes only to escape into our natural environments. You can play a vital role in the introduction and the prevention of invasive plants by choosing to grow native species and taking action […]

Black River Watershed Conference

June 8th, 8 am-4 pm 3 Willows Event Center in Lyons Falls, NY Event Details/ Registration The conference is part of an outreach effort originating from the development of the Black River Watershed Management Plan. The goal of the conference is to reach out to decision-makers, citizens, and other interested agencies that live and work […]

South Sandy Creek Experience: Walk, Paddle, and Demonstrations

Saturday, June 11th 9:30am-2pm Lakeview Wildlife Management Area South Sandy Creek Car-top Boat Launch 2234 NY-3, Mannsville, NY 13661 (Google Map) REGISTER As part of New York's Invasive Species Awareness Week, SLELO PRISM is hosting a special event showcasing the invasive species management & restoration work we've undergone as part of our  Aquatic Restoration Initiative. […]

NYISAW_Wellesley Island’s Swallow-wort Shovel

June 11th 10am-2pm Minna Anthony Common Nature Center (Wellesley Island State Park) 44927 Cross Island Rd, Fineview, NY 13640 Contact: Maria.Cipullo@parks.ny.gov Calling volunteers and Earth heroes of all ages! Help us protect our native habitat's biodiversity by removing an invasive plant species called swallow-wort. Please bring work gloves and a good pair of shoes. Tools […]

New York ReLeaf Conference

July 21-23 Jefferson Community College, Watertown NY Event Details ReLeaf is a part of the Urban Forestry Program at NYSDEC and it is run in partnership with the NYS Urban Forestry Council. This year’s ReLeaf Conference is “Trees Bring Us Together.” The keynote speaker for the conference is Ian Leahy, Vice President of Urban Forestry […]

Guffin Bay Water Chestnut Pull

Help remove water chestnut from Guffin Bay on Monday, August 1st, 9 am-12 pm. REGISTER Meet: on the corner of Old Moffatt Road and Road 212 in Dexter NY (Google Map) Event Duration: 9am-12pm Description: Easy 10-15 minute paddle from the launch site to Guffin Creek. We will travel the creek and pull water chestnuts as they […]

Contact megan.pistolese@tnc.org to list your events on our events page and on Facebook.  

SLELO PRISM Partner Meeting Schedule: Our partners have decided to meet on a seasonal/quarterly basis. We will meet the third week of these months:  January, April, July, and October alternating between  Wednesdays and Thursdays, starting at 10 am.

If you want to receive partner meeting announcements please email rwilliams@tnc.org .

Save the Date for 2023 Partner Meetings:

Thursday, October 12th

Keewaydin State Park – Marina Pavilion, 10 am-12 pm 45165 State Route 12, Alexandria Bay, NY 13607

The PRISM Network hosts a monthly Speaker Series on the last Wednesday of each month (except, July, August, and December).

View the Webinar Schedule & Access Recordings

iMapInvasives holds training webinars after the PRISM  Speaker Series from 1 pm-2 pm. Visit the iMap website for details and to register. 

 View Events Pages of the PRISM Network


Capital Region PRISM 

Catskill (CRISP) PRISM 

Finger Lakes PRISM

LIISMA (Long Island) PRISM  

Lower Hudson PRISM

Western NY PRISM