When: Thursday, May 21st, 1 pm-2 pm
Register for zoom meeting details: https://tnc.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYlceGoqD8sEtWfXgmBUQeicmWwP05Mel-u
Presenter: Dr. Annise Dobson-postdoctoral researcher at Yale University
Asian jumping worm is an invasive earthworm that dramatically impacts the health of the landscape and forested soils. This invasive worm easily goes unnoticed and is mostly unknowingly spread by gardeners through infested nursery stock.
Asian jumping worm has been confirmed present in Colton, NY from an iMapInvasives observation submitted by one of our volunteers. This is the first reported observation confirmed in the St. Lawrence Eastern Lake Ontario Region (counties of Oswego, Oneida, Jefferson, Lewis, St. Lawrence).
If you are a gardener or someone who sells plants, please join us to learn how to recognize Asian jumping worm, what to do if you find it and how to prevent the spread.
SLELO PRISM Partner Meeting Schedule: Our partners have decided to meet on a seasonal/quarterly basis. We will meet the third week of these months: January, April, July, and October alternating between Wednesdays and Thursdays, starting at 10 am.
If you want to receive partner meeting announcements please email rwilliams@tnc.org .
Save the Date for 2023 Partner Meetings:
Thursday, October 12th
Keewaydin State Park – Marina Pavilion, 10 am-12 pm 45165 State Route 12, Alexandria Bay, NY 13607
The PRISM Network hosts a monthly Speaker Series on the last Wednesday of each month (except, July, August, and December).
View the Webinar Schedule & Access Recordings
iMapInvasives holds training webinars after the PRISM Speaker Series from 1 pm-2 pm. Visit the iMap website for details and to register.
View Events Pages of the PRISM Network