Virtual Hike Challenge
October 30, 2024
SLELO PRISM holds our annual Virtual Hike Challenge (VHC). The challenge, happening November through March, pairs winter hiking with simple instructions to help keep an eye out for hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA). HWA is an invasive forest pest that is confirmed to be present in Oswego County and is spreading along the Eastern Lake Ontario shoreline.
First HWA Biocontrol Release in SLELO PRISM
October 18, 2022
Through a collaboration with our partners, HWA biocontrol-Laricobius nigrinus, have been released for the first time in the SLELO region.
Beetles and Silverflies Can Save Forests
October 6, 2022
Hope for the hemlocks may come in the form of a predatory beetle, Laricobius nigrinus, and two silver fly species, Leucotaraxis argenticollis, and Leucotaraxis piniperda.
Removing Water Chestnut From the Oswegatchie River
August 1, 2022
SLELO partners, stakeholders and volunteers have joined forces to control a large water chestnut infestation on the Oswegatchie River.
eDNA Technician Job Position
February 10, 2022
Do you love the outdoors? Do you want to get some hands-on experience with environmental-DNA sampling? If so, then apply to become our new eDNA Technician!
Take the Pledge. Get the Tools. Earn the Badge.
November 1, 2021
The Pledge-to-Protect is a fun, engaging, and rewarding way to participate in invasive species prevention and management. Take the Pledge, get the tools, and earn the badge!
Partner Spotlight
July 30, 2021
Our partners at the Indian River Lakes Conservancy are developing a weevil rearing project through community science.
Two New Species On The Move
July 26, 2021
Our partners at the Indian River Lakes Conservancy are developing a weevil rearing project through community science.
Milfoil, Community Science, and Teens
July 23, 2021
Our partners at the Indian River Lakes Conservancy are developing a weevil rearing project through community science.
Calling all Water Chestnut Pull Organizers
July 22, 2021
If you organize water chestnut pulls, make your efforts count and report pre and post treatment data to