Get the latest updates on our early detection, restoration, and biocontrol work.
Get the latest updates on our early detection, restoration, and biocontrol work.
As spotted lanternfly continues to expand its range, it’s crucial to separate fact from fiction. Here, we debunk some common myths surrounding the spotted lanternfly and shed light on the truth behind this formidable pest.
Hear from our partners at the NYS DEC regarding their invasive species management and restoration work at the Lakeview Wildlife Management Area.
SLELO PRISM is seeking volunteers to assist with a biocontrol monitoring project this summer and fall.
We’d like to honor one of our Super Volunteers who has gone above and beyond the call of duty!
During the past few months, numerous partners have participated in planning sessions to refine the future of our program including setting priorities for the coming years.
Spring is here and there are many ways you can help prevent the spread of invasive species while you enjoy your favorite springtime activities.
SLELO PRISM is launching a new initiative to enhance our work in Connected Lands And Waters (CLAW).
In support of and to strengthen conservation outcomes of the NYS DEC’s Comprehensive Invasive Species Management Plan, the SLELO PRISM’s strategic approach addresses invasive species issues by aligning with key strategies.
The latest updates from our Terrestrial Restoration and Resiliency Coordinator, Robert Smith.