




2022 Winter Newsletter

Get the latest invasive species news in our 2022 Winter Newsletter!

Aquatic Restoration Initiative: Efforts to Protect Eastern Lake Ontario Tributaries

SLELO PRISM is undergoing a three phase effort to suppress invasive species and restore treated areas in South Sandy Creek, Sandy Creek, and Deer Creek.

2021 Accomplishments & Annual Report

Working together, the SLELO PRISM partners have brought many successes in our efforts to protect our lands and waters from the threat of invasive species. Our 2021 Annual Report provides an overview of these efforts.

Collective Conservation Impact

A recent assessment regarding connectivity, conducted by our PRISM, and our host organization The Nature Conservancy, resulted in metrics that suggest all the land and water area that our partnership directly manages may result in the landscape protection of just over 5 million acres.

Species Spotlight– Marbled Crayfish

Sometime in the 1990s, a mutant crayfish able to conquer and degrade aquatic systems emerged. The marmorkreb, a.k.a. marbled crayfish (Procambarus virginalis), is a destructive new species that was first identified in aquariums in Germany. However, their mutation is likely the result of too much inbreeding in captivity, rather than some mad-scientist scheme. They are now here, and your help scouting for them is invaluable.

Pledge to Protect Your Garden

Winter is a great time to start planning for your garden. Learn what plants are native to your zipcode with a native plant finder tool, and view native plant lists to help get you started. Choosing to grow native plants helps to stop the spread of invasive plants and supports pollinators!

Keep an Eye Out For The Spotted Lanternfly

Be on the lookout! Unfortunately, spotted lanternfly’s range in NYS has expanded over the last year so it’s more important than ever to keep a close eye out for this invasive insect.

Efforts to Combat Spotted Lanternfly in Pennsylvania

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Invasive Species Council recently compiled an online ArcGIS StoryMap highlighting 25 unique stories, each featuring a specific project by an agency, non-governmental organization, or academic institution relating to invasive species research, management, or education and outreach.

Terrestrial Restoration & Resilience Initiatives

An overview of 2021 Early Detection field surveys and Bark & Ambrosia Beetle Survey Results along with HWA surveys underway for 2022.

Aquatic Restoration & Resiliency Initiatives

An overview of eDNA sample analysis that is underway. Team SLELO is utilizing underwater remote operated vehicles to enhance our aquatic surveys!