This article was featured in the 2024 Autumn newsletter by, Brittney Rogers-SLELO PRISM.

Restoration Updates:

Monitoring of our two large scale projects (South Sandy Creek and North Sandy Pond) and eight HPA restoration areas continues along with management of the invasive species. Special thank you to all volunteers and partner staff who have assisted with the physical removals of yellow iris and pale swallowwort at some of these sites. Plantings are to occur November 7-9. Please join us if you are interested! View pg. 13 for event listing.

AIS Learning Experience and new

Water Protectors Program:

We successfully hosted a 3-part learning series teaching attendees how to identify and survey for aquatic plants (both native and invasive). This was also the inaugural beginning of our new and exciting volunteer program where stakeholders are invited to attend our trainings and adopt-a-waterbody to survey for and report invasive species. We have 17 waters adopted and look forward to expanding this new volunteer program in 2025! Learn more about the program and join on our website.

Looking forward to 2025:

We are very excited to share that we are planning to expand our restoration work in 2025 and are looking to collaborate with partners who may have project sites that are in need of invasive species management and restoration!

We will also be continuing our eDNA work in 2025 and are interested to collaborate with partners and stakeholders who may have interest in sampling their waters for more elusive or low abundance invasive species. Contact if you’d like to collaborate on restoration or eDNA!

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