This article was featured in the 2024 Autumn Newsletter by Rob Willaims-SLELO PRISM.

Shé:kon, Greetings Colleagues,

After fourteen years of serving as Program Director with The Nature Conservancy, I am excited to announce my retirement!

I would summarize the many accomplishments of the SLELO PRISM and partnership, but quite frankly, there are just to many to include.  Rather, I will just say that I have truly enjoyed working with the amazing SLELO Partnership and sincerely appreciate the opportunities and support everyone has provided me during my tenure. As the establisher of the SLELO PRISM program and partnership, I am absolutely amazed at what our collaborations have accomplished over the years to protect our lands and waters. Our combined efforts will go far to ensure a healthy environment for people and nature.

While I look forward to enjoying my retirement, I will very much miss being part of our team and working with each of you, The Nature Conservancy and the NYS DEC. Working with these amazing people and organizations has certainly been a ‘feather in my cap.’

I would like to shout out to my immediate team: Megan Shaw, Brittney Rogers, Robert Smith, and Carolyn Koestner. I leave you all in good hands. I will soon change the sign on my office door to read “gone fishing.

Niá:wen / Thank You

~Rob Williams



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